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Infertility Treatment

If you are under the age of 35 and you and your partner have been trying to conceive unsuccessfully for a year or more – or if you are over the age of 35 and have not been able to conceive after trying for six months – it’s time to seek medical treatment for infertility from Serenity Gynecology.

The first step in diagnosing infertility is to perform tests that will provide information regarding the cause of infertility, which is typically related to age, ovulatory disorder, male factor or tubular factor. The results will ultimately lead to the development of a comprehensive treatment plan.


A typical fertility evaluation includes physical exams and a discussion regarding the medical and sexual histories of both partners. Men submit to a semen analysis to evaluate sperm count and movement. For women, we first have to determine if our patient is ovulating.I


f a patient is ovulating, we will perform a standard test to examine the fallopian tubes and uterus. This test involves inserting a dye solution into the uterine cavity and then taking X-rays.


If the fallopian tubes remain open, the dye will flow through the tubes and appear in the abdominal cavity. If the tubes are blocked, the dye will be held in the uterus or fallopian tubes, depending on the location of the blockage.

There are other tests such as ultrasounds, which are used to examine female reproductive structures and provide your Ob-Gyn with more information.

Treating Infertility

Some fertility problems are treated more easily than others. In general, after the age 35, a woman’s chances of getting pregnant decrease, but her risk of miscarriage increases.

If you are over the age of 35 – and because your chances of having a baby decrease with each passing year – your Ob/Gyn might suggest skipping some of the steps younger couples typically follow.

So, prior to you and your partner beginning treatment, you’ll need to determine how far you want to proceed. For example, you may want to try medicine but don’t want to consider surgery as an option. You may change your mind during your treatment, but it’s best to define your limits at the beginning.

Treatments for fertility problems in women depend on what is thought to be preventing the woman from getting pregnant. If the problem is associated with ovulation, treatment may include medications to stimulate the ovaries to release eggs.

If the cause for your infertility is unexplained, your Ob-Gyn may prescribe hormone injections or insemination after collecting and concentrating the sperm in order to increase the number of healthy sperm.

If your fallopian tubes are blocked, tubal surgery may need to be performed.

Endometriosis can also cause infertility; in this case treatment might include laparoscopic surgery.            

If you continue to experience problems getting pregnant, you may need to decide whether you want to attempt an assisted reproductive technology procedure such as In-vitro fertilization where fertilized eggs are inserted into the uterus through the cervix or sperm injection where a sperm is injected into an egg.

Want To Learn More About Our Infertility Treatment Service?

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